Bulk multi-line find and replacement with Dired instead of SED

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Scenario: I have a directory full of code files (in this case, 51 of them) that each need a find-and-replace executed; however, it is adding a line to part of the code, so replace one line with several. This means that SED cannot do the trick; you’ll get errors like,

> > > sed: -e expression #1, char 49: unterminated `s' command

Rather than spending the time figuring out how to encode things for SED, the simplest solution was just to use emacs inimitable dired. It went like this:

  1. Open dired into the directory with your files C-x C-d or M-x dired
  2. Select all files t
  3. Q or M-x dired-do-query-replace-regexp
  4. Your query
  5. It will ask you to okay the change; you can prevent it from asking this for the rest of the fixes in ALL files with Y
  6. Now you have a bunch of altered buffers open. You can save them all with C-x s

It would have been trickier if they were in subdirectories, but with them all horizontal it worked quickly and without issue.

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Tory Anderson
Full-time Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist