Accordions out of the box with Clojurescript and Closure

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Accordions are actually available out-of-the-box in Clojurescript with the included Google closure.js that Clojurescript is built upon. This code shows the AnimatedZippy, which has a nice slide-out function; there’s also a plain Zippy. They are drop-in replacements for eachother.

Rendering the Accordion (Zippy)

(ns toryanderson.views.components.shared
  "Shared components that may be used on multiple views"
  (:require [reagent.core :as r]
            [goog.dom :as dom]
            [goog.string :as gstr])
  (:import goog.ui.AnimatedZippy))

(defn accordion [{:keys [header-text content-body]}]
  (let [header-id (gstr/createUniqueString)
        content-id (gstr/createUniqueString)]
     {:display-name "zippy"
      :reagent-render (fn [id] [:div.zippy-container
                                [:div {:id (str "wrap-" header-id)}
                                 [ {:id header-id} header-text]
                                 [:div{:id content-id} content-body]]])
      :component-did-mount #(AnimatedZippy. (dom/$ header-id)
                                            (dom/$ content-id))})))

Styling the Accordion

(def accordions
  "Styles for the accordions "
   [ {:margin-bottom 0}
    [:&:hover {:background "#Add8e6"
               :cursor :pointer}]
    [:&:after {:margin-left (em 1)
               :text-decoration :none} ]
    [:&.goog-zippy-collapsed:after {:content "\"↓\""}]
    [:&.goog-zippy-expanded:after {:content "\"↑\""}]]
   [ {:transition-property :all
                          :transition-duration "0.5s"
                          :transition-timing-function :ease
                          :transition-delay "0.5s"}]])


Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist