ghosts in the elisp machine

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What ghosts/anomalies do you encounter in the Chtulhu Mansion that is your emacs setup?

Emacs is the closest thing now existing to the vaunted “lisp machines” that were originally prescribed to make lisp run effectively. This seems all the more true of exwm users like myself, who are taking the proposition of “emacs as operating system” somewhat literally (at least, to those who don’t consider the difference between a window manager and an operating system. cough*Windows*cough). So it is alarming when things are happening unpredictably at startup time, especially when I’m using things like Straight to try and avoid this. Most things seem to be loading – everything looks and feels the same until these situations are reached. A common problem seems to be libraries being loaded, but not working until I re-evaluate (by hand) their use-package lines. Examples (though I encounter other such things that seem to follow the same pattern):


Ace-isearch is supposed to allow me to do C-s <CHAR> to start an ace-jump to any char in my visible buffers. For some reason this isn’t kicking in until I re-evaluate the use-package line for it, although M-x still shows all the appropriate ace-jump commands in place and I can successfully invoke them in long-form.

(use-package ace-isearch
  :bind (:map isearch-mode-map 
              ("M-i" . ace-isearch-swiper-from-isearch))
  (ace-isearch-function 'avy-goto-char)
  (ace-isearch-2-switch-function 'avy-goto-char-2)
  (ace-isearch-function-from-isearch 'ace-isearch-swiper-from-isearch) ;; for some reason this is helm-occur-from-isearch
  (ace-isearch-input-idle-delay 0.2)
  (ace-isearch-input-length 9)
  (ace-isearch-use-ace-jump (quote printing-char))
  (ace-isearch-use-function-from-isearch t)
  (ace-isearch-use-jump (quote printing-char))
  (global-ace-isearch-mode +1))

Even the keybinding is loaded fine; just not the single-char searching. And for some reason (not the cause, but suspiciously likely to be related) a helm function is loaded into ace-isearch-function-from-isearch. I no longer use helm and can’t find it in my startup, so something is messing with stuff…


UPDATE After fixing the Telelephone-line “warning” above, restarts seem to have this again. Could be more ghost-like random than that, though.

isn’t loading by default, so when I restart and call up my agenda I just have an impossibly long list of todo items at the end of my daily agenda. Again, re-evaluating the super-agenda line fixes this.

(use-package org-super-agenda
  :after org
  (org-super-agenda-mode t)
   '((:name "Agenda"
            :time-grid t)
     (:name "Work"               
            :tag "ODH")
     (:name "School"
            :tag "CLASS")
     (:name "PhD"
            :tag "PhD")
     (:name "Priesthood"
            :tag "PRIESTHOOD")
     (:name "Non-Work"
            :not (:tag "ODH"))
     (:name "Backburner"
            :priority<= "B"
            :order 1)))
  (org-super-agenda-mode +1)


  • Image from pinterest (I couldn’t find the original credit)
Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist