emacs popular for python

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When the results of the State of Emacs survey came out I was really surprised to see that its most reported programming use was in Python. There are some definite biases in the survey participants – I think it was slanted to media used by new users, which were much more plentiful than I expected but obviously much less than the full emacs-using population. Nonetheless I did not at all expect Python to top the language list ahead of Emacs’ classic best-of-class support of lisps like my Clojure, which was down in the middle of languages reported.

Some comments pointed to one of the reasons for Python emacs use because Python-creator Guide van Rossum is an emacs user. Others mentioned a general dislike for Pycharm, where Emacs LSP-setup for Python is pretty good.


Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Full-time Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist