Always open localhost in private Firefox

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Don’t do webdev work in your personal browser account

Opening dev sites in your primary browser/account is problematic. Opening in Private (FireFox) or Incognito (Chrome) is a must, since it usually turns off caching and removes you from any left-over accounts that might be interfering with your validation.

I’ve always done dev sites in my dev browser, so good to hear a group that recognized (sort of) this:

And disclaimer: Polypane who wrote the article is a paid browser (after 2 weeks). Wait – that’s a thing? Who knew?

However, “dev browser” for me actually means “private mode” in FireFox. Something sadly impossible in the Polypane-recommended Finicky

ANSWER DISCOVERED: Firefox “Always Open Privately” plugin

Firefox “Always Open Privately” plugin1 does exactly what I want! The screen shot above shows me setting it to always open localhost in private, which covers my needs perfectly.


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Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist