Stop find-file from ignoring .git

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This wasn’t always the case, but I find that now emacs is ignoring some files when I do find-file. The most annoying example is .git not appearing, although I can navigate through it if I type it fully. This seems to happen whether I am using my vertico for find-file, or if I disable vertico and try using tab-completion in a raw find-files. How can I find out what is being ignored, and change/disable it? I would prefer to have nothing ignored by find-file. This is emacs 28.1.1

Answer: completion-ignored-extensions

Courtesy of the answer on Reddit, I added the following line to my init file use-package :custom invocation, with complete success. Now when navigation my file system, nothing is invisible.

(completion-ignored-extensions nil) ;; 2022199 don't ignore anything. My filtering is good enough. 


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Tory Anderson
Full-time Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist