using regexp find and replace to reformat my todo list

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I had a series of todo entries like this

 *** TODO Rename legacy/authtoken.clj and sibling tests

and wanted them to have the issue number at the end of the todo title, which helps with our git branch naming praxis. Emacs regular expression (slightly improved) anzu-query-replace-regexp1 with the following:

\(.*github.*\)\([0-9]+\)\s-+ → \1 #\3

Where the linebreaks are entered literally via C-q C-j.

The end result was what I wanted:

 *** TODO Rename legacy/authtoken.clj and sibling tests #158


1 Anzu provides live previews of what your replace will do. Two warnings: if your replace is doing a LOT in the current viewport, you might stall out; and if you replace has side effects (in emacs regexp replace you can run arbitrary elisp code), those side-effects will take place at preview-time in addition to at actual run-time

Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Full-time Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist