easyTAG selection error

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Applying CD tags to my .OPUS album

Scenario: just ripped a CD that said it was a certain album. Got EasyTAG1 set up for GnuDB2 and downloaded all the data for the album and found out that the burn was actually missing one song from the official disc, throwing off the whole naming and numbering scheme. I attempted to Apply the disc tags to everything omiting the missed file. It would always would fail with some off-by-one that I couldn’t escape. So I imported all the file names from a text file; now the files were named right, but all their tags were still off by one. Finally I set about the arduous task of getting the tags for each file individually. That’s when I found what was resulting in the off-by-one: as I selected a file and assigned it tags, the assignment was going to some other file, not the one I thought was selected. I resolved it by manually going back to a different file, returning to the actual one I was trying to tag, and then applying the CDDB info. Usually this worked, but I also became very proficient at using the “undo” button. Was this because of EasyTAG? OR because of GUIX? Was it timing based, so if I had waited a few seconds it would have caught up? Or something else?


1 EasyTag was available from the guix linux repos, so it was easy to install. It’s apparently part of the Gnome project. Details are abundant at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EasyTag, and its official site seems to be https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/EasyTAG . Of all the listings at https://gnudb.org/howto.php , it was the first one that didn’t require providing an email address for use.

2 GnuDB is the Gnu answer to guaranteeing music db freedom. They say, “In 2006 gnudb.org started hosting the cddb service to make sure that it would stay alive and free. Now 14 years later we have seen that Magix, the owner of freedb.org has decided to take the cddb service on freedb down (in 2020). As we stated in 2006 on gnudb.org “A new home for the freedb.org database to make sure it stays free.” https://gnudb.org/index.php

Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Full-time Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist