cross-posting in Zulip (Dec. 2023)

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Posted and commentable on Mastodon at

Resharing, retweeting, crossposting with Zulip

Sometimes in Zulip1 I want to share something with several groups at once. In Reddit this is known as a “crosspost”. In Twitter it was “resharing” (though with a different concept of “groups”). Mastodon generally frowns upon the resharing concept altogether. But how about Zulip?

I didn’t find a pure Zulip solution, but the same effect is possible with the “Quote and Reply” option, in which you can then choose a different stream and even edit the message if needed. Note that you could also, from the same options menu, select the link to the post and share that (if privileges aren’t an issue). But Sending the whole text is nicer, especially for those who are subscribed via email and don’t want to follow a link to a login.

  1. From the post’s options menu, select Quote and Reply
  2. In the resulting window, select which channel you want to share/crosspost with
  3. If you need to, you can edit the text of the thing you are crossposting

Resharing or Crossposting between Zulip Groups via Quote and Reply


1 is hands down the my favorite comms app, above Slack, Mattermost, and definitely MS Teams

Tory Anderson avatar
Tory Anderson
Full-time Web App Engineer, Digital Humanist, Researcher, Computer Psychologist