Interrupting a Programmer

The pains of working with abstract systems are little understood by outsiders. Like my toddler. Credit:

Drupal 7: Comment Homepage URL Prefix Fix

EDIT: I now recommend use of the excellent Disqus forum instead of built-in Drupal. It automates and crowd-sources spam control, and has a host of other features. As this frustrated user put it, I want Drupal comments to work like every other blog’s comments. Who are writing their homepage URL can write “,” or “,” and they both work. Right now, Drupal throws an error if the URL doesn’t contain “https://.

The future of texting with Mighty SMS: what I do instead of IM

For the past year I’ve been using the free version of Mighty SMS (phone app | tablet app –sorry; Android only) to text message from my computer, actually using my phone and its phone number. The app is slick and light-weight: it does one thing and does it well. I now almost never text from my touch-screen, but get the full speed of my keyboard by logging into the web app in my browser (which I keep pinned).

Digital Media 101

A great introduction to digital media history for these kiddos. I love the reactions when they need to restart the computer to read the disk.

Non-Programmer's Emacs: a First Demo

Emacs isn’t just for programmers; the majority of what I do in emacs is non-programming. This video shows just a few of my most common Emacs tasks. This screencast was made using RecordMyDesktop.

Org Footnotes

A powerful feature of orgmode/emacs is the ability to easily and rapidly insert footnotes1 (See section ) and then easily export them, even as html.2 (See section ) You can learn all about the commands in the official manual entry. Footnotes: ^{1 (See section )} Just like this one, using C-c C-x f ^{2 (See section )} Export as HTML and view in browser using: C-c C-e h o

Top 8 Firefox Addons 2014

I’ve been using Firefox as my primary browser for several years now, having left Chrome back in 2011. There are reasons for this beyond functionality; for example, I love Firefox as an example of true open source software and for its emphasis on security and privacy. These are places where Chrome comes in “close but not quite” and, as always, Internet Explorer is way, way off the mark. But I’ve also come across a number of add-ons that have made my Firefox use more powerful and comfortable.

Balance and Equalize Windows in Emacs

The ability to split emacs windows is highly useful, whether you are using it to view related information in the same window or others. However, after the initial 50-50 split, splitting again will result in 50-25-25, 50-12.5-12.5-12.5-12.5, etc; this becomes unsightly quickly. The solution is the `balance-windows` command, bound by default to C-x++. This equalizes the sizes of all windows, without you needing to reach for the mouse to drag window boundaries.

Fixing Missing Export Options in Org-Mode 8

One of my chief desires in upgrading my org-mode recently was to be able to export into markdown, as described in the documentation. Imagine my surprise when the export list didn’t mention it, it didn’t appear to be an extra package, and the shortcut didn’t work. Thankfully, a user on Stack Overflow had the answer. In short, the plethora of org-mode export options listed here are not all loaded to begin with.