xkcd Compiling -> Testing

Testing… Derived from https://xkcd.com/303/ to express my own experience. I don’t often spend time compiling in my work as a webdev, but TDD and the regression tests take some serious time.

xkcd Compiling → Testing

Testing… Derived from https://xkcd.com/303/ to express my own experience. I don’t often spend time compiling in my work as a webdev, but TDD and the regression tests take some serious time.

How to get Telegram to update its image previews for a site

updating the Telegram preview cache This answer comes from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35268940/how-to-force-telegram-to-update-link-preview and worked great for me. Send a Telegram message to @webpagebot and it will activate, inviting you to send up to 10 links for it to update the cache for. I’m not sure if that means 10 links allowed at once, or 10 links ever; but in any case, it worked for me. It took me four tries – once to the shortlink, once to the actual blog post, once to the parent domain, once to the header image that had changed.

emacs tip: selected-mode

Emacs tips and tricks Shared on the Emacs Tips, Tricks, &c. thread1 Use selected mode to set up a keymap that only applies when you have a selection. I use this every day. It’s great for indentation of an area, and I also use it for removing duplicate lines, doing replacements in region, and an org-specific one for creating a numbered list of the selection. https://github.com/Kungsgeten/selected.el Footnotes 1 This post is at https://www.

How can I define transient color per command, like hydra?

Problem: I need one transient command to end to the transient-session after it is done From a Reddit thread at https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/15u0c7w/how_can_i_define_transient_color_per_command/ This is basically like using Hydra semantic colors1. I have a transient that starts with :transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay near its definition, which allows me to execute several of its commands in a sequence without quiting the transient. There are certain commands within that transient, however, that should quit the transient if they are used.

reformat external usb drive

Reformatting It was running a 15 year old NTFS and it seems to have become (at least partially) corrupted. I decided to do the hardcore thing and reformat all of it. A nifty site1 told me about the mkfs program, which made a lot of sense since I am long-since converted to the values of ext4. I was surprised to learn that my system already had the mkfs program on it, so away we went!

Tangling on org segment to a file with given permissons

Asked at https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/159zj0v/comment/jtodsl9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 My tangle includes writing a bin script, which needs 700 permissions. However, the following doesn’t seem to work; it produces a file with 644 permissons, which cannot be executed. I am trying to follow https://orgmode.org/manual/Extracting-Source-Code.html . What is wrong? #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/tsa-ss :tangle-mode o700 Answer: don’t use the shortcut syntax The following worked. I’m not sure why the original did not, though. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/tsa-ss :tangle-mode (identity #o700)

Confusing swap of alt and super key on my Planck keyboard

Why in the world were my super and meta keys suddenly swapped? I finished a game and found that suddenly my alt/meta key and my super/windows key had swapped positions. I tried changing from Dvorak to Qwerty and back again, and tried restarting my keyboard and then restarting my whole computer, and found no explanation for the problem. Finally I found the answer1, which was that somewhere in my baby-in-arms, trying-to-keyboard-with-one-hand, I had switched my keyboard into mac mode, which inverts the super and meta keys and destroys my carefully crafted muscle memory.

Why does straight sometimes rebuild org?

The problem: rebulding packages This was discussed in an issue on straight1 With the notorious orgmode updates and breakages, combined with the amount that I depend upon orgmode, I am trying to just stick with the built in version and not ever build it. As such, my Straight orgmode invocation looks like this: (use-package org :straight (:type built-in) Nonetheless, some packages seem to cause org to “build” and use a straight version.

error: one of my transients misplaces cursor activity

Repo Bug-Report Template magit-version: Magit v3.3.0-402-gacd26dd9, Git 2.36.1, Emacs 28.1, gnu/linux (1) what behavior you expected When I use a transient with :transient-non-suffix 'transient--do-quit-one :transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay I expect to be able to continue using transient commands regardless of what buffer-switches are occurring above the transient. (2) what behavior you observed After executing a buffer-switching command within my transient, such as find-file, the transient remains visible but no longer has focus and cannot be used/switched to.