
macro power: removing weekends from repeating event

Updated: [2021-12-09 Thu] comment clarifying “macros” Intro Time to make a new daily event for the next 90 days, but it shouldn’t have weekends. Most of these steps become muscle memory after getting used to emacs macro power in orgmode files, sql dumps, dired find-and-replace, text formatting, YAML/XML/HTML/JSON/EDN tailoring, etc. It’s the speed and flexibility of this method that shines, allowing for solutions to very specific problems, or just nice custom orgmode agenda entries in this case.

Orgmode Agenda wasn't showing custom items

I had a problem where my orgmode agenda had stopped displaying my “scheduled” items, which I require for my workflow. I must have been playing around with the customize group when I broke this, because that’s where I found the answer: I had set a non-zero number and needed to reset to 0 here: customize-variable Org Scheduled Delay Days

Emacs save custom agenda filter views

If you work much with the Orgmode agenda you soon find that you can have a huge amount of appointments and todo tasks to deal with. You can sort these by putting tags on the, either straight from the agenda view (with :) or in the actual org file (with C-c while point is over a headline). You can then use those tags to filter and search your agenda (from agenda view, with / and \ followed by TAB).

Orgmode Agenda in New Frame Window

If you work much with the Orgmode agenda you soon find that you can have a huge amount of appointments and todo tasks to deal with. You can sort these by putting tags on the, either straight from the agenda view (with :) or in the actual org file (with C-c while point is over a headline). You can then use those tags to filter and search your agenda (from agenda view, with / and \ followed by TAB).