
bufler syntax for a browser subgroup

Edits [2023-12-23 Sat] correction: “Buffler” is actually “Bufler” [2023-12-22 Fri] added updated groups section, and linked to my Firefox usage post. Added comments sections. Discussion Discussion can be had on this post at Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/18omuu7/using_bufler_and_exwm_to_group_my_browser_windows/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Mastodon: https://qoto.org/@worldsendless/111625703559060442 Github issue text This is associated with a Github issue.1 Note that this is with exwm, so Firefox buffers are first-class buffer citizens2. I used to have a single Firefox tab which contained my various social tabs with their particular settings.

bufler closes windows from bufler window on switch

Intro This is an issue that others are experiencing too.1 Just pulled and evalled latest bufler moments ago. Have multiple frames/windows running, eg C-x 2 M-x bufler choose one of the buffers from the list, to move to it See it close one of your other windows. I discovered this when it was eliminating my exwm workspaces upon choosing something, but I found that it is by no means limited to exwm things.