
stop freezes: disable global undo-tree

global-undo-tree-mode Dramatic freezes on routine “undo” I was experiencing freezes of sometimes up to 30 seconds about 3/4 of the the time when I used my muscle memory to hit undo (C-/), which I do as part of my regular “kill-line undo” combo (C-k C-/). Something must have changed recently because I started to have show-stopping freezes of my emacs thread when I tried a routine “undo.” I finally managed to squeeze a toggle-debug-on-quit and, with a bit of patience, got a C-g in during the freeze.

tip: recover-session-finish

recover-session-finish Sometimes emacs freezes, sometimes it crashes, but let’s recover As an exwm user, everything is in emacs. I hate to admit it, but sometimes things crash or freeze. Sometimes I need to go to my shell and pkill emacs to get back to a running session. When this happens, I am helpfully reminded to recover all those unsaved buffers, especially those related to my orgmode-agenda. I then go hunting through my error log to find all the buffers that need a recover-file.

Getting docked triple-monitor setups on exwm at start of work

The problem: docking in to multiple monitors without restart doesn’t use them In both my offices I have a triple-screen setup (my laptop + two externals). However, I change setups regularly; on the commute, it is only my laptop. Then, on either end of that commute, it’s triple two more external monitors (but they are a different dimension of externals in either location). The problem is that the monitors are usually not recognized at plug-in time after a daily change of locations, though my other docked accessories (mostly my keyboard) are recognized.

exwm triple monitor winum mode-line window numbers need to update better

The problem An posted on reddit.1 I have my window numbers in my modelines of every window so that I can easily navigate to them with my exwm three-monitor setup. About 90% of the time they are accurate, but they get out of sync sometimes when big window operations (or closing a window) occur. As soon as I do something to invoke a mini-buffer (any C-x command), they get updated correctly, but sometimes when I try to work quickly I find they don’t match up.

bufler syntax for a browser subgroup

Edits [2023-12-23 Sat] correction: “Buffler” is actually “Bufler” [2023-12-22 Fri] added updated groups section, and linked to my Firefox usage post. Added comments sections. Discussion Discussion can be had on this post at Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/18omuu7/using_bufler_and_exwm_to_group_my_browser_windows/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Mastodon: https://qoto.org/@worldsendless/111625703559060442 Github issue text This is associated with a Github issue.1 Note that this is with exwm, so Firefox buffers are first-class buffer citizens2. I used to have a single Firefox tab which contained my various social tabs with their particular settings.

Emacs message message-mark-inserted-region

Cut Here From the bygone era preceding Markdown and Stack Overflow, emacs’ message mode developed a marker for code areas within an email. With message-mark-inserted-region, by default in a message with a selection C-c M-m, you get something like this: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to example.com. Peer’s Certificate has been revoked. Error code: SEC_ERROR_REVOKED_CERTIFICATE The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.

How to PGP decrypt Deltachat email with Gnus

Intro This message was originally fielded to Reddit1 I’m encrypting some emails on my gmail, sent by an auto-encrypting app. When I try to view them in Gnus, it asks if I want to decrypt the message and, when I affirm, I just see: Error! Result from decryption: Decryption failed Decryption failed This makes sense because I haven’t given it any keys and have never done this email decryption thing.

Transient for convenience with emms

A new version of Transient, so here’s my media helper EDIT 2023335b Added the image showing a better styled result, which captures semantic keys EDIT 2023335 Added the image showing the styled1 result, and added the code for tsa/jump-to-music This was posted to Reddit.2 With the recent announcement of a new version of Transient, I thought I would post the transient helper I wrote for the deeply customizable built-in-to-emacs emms music player, which I have been enjoying once I stopped thinking of it as Winamp or Spotify or whatever player I used previously.

Mass file conversion using find and exec

convert mp3 to opus The short solution find ./ -type f -name '*.mp3' -exec sh -c 'ffmpeg -i "{}" -f wav - | opusenc --music - "{}.opus"' \; The full journey to the solution The first trick was just to use ffmpeg to convert to .wav, and then to take that .wav output and feed it to opusenc1 ffmpeg -i input.mp3 -f wav - | opusenc –bitrate 256 - output.opus

Cider error: cider-get-ns-name: Wrong number of arguments

Error The following was posted on github1 Expected behavior cider starts/operates without issue Actual behavior Upon trying to access a Clojure file after cider-jack-in, I cannot proceed past the following error. Steps to reproduce the problem cider-jack-in-clj cider-load-buffer (`C-c C-k`) Error: cider-get-ns-name: Wrong number of arguments: ((clojure-mode-abbrev-table paredit-mode paredit-version paredit-space-for-delimiter-predicates font-lock-end font-lock-beg calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp t) nil "Return the namespace of the current Clojure buffer. Return the namespace closest to point and above it.