
snippets that defy orgmode tangling

Literate Programing and snippets The Problem: orgmode literate programing is incompatible with orgmode snippets Submitted to the orgmode mailing list1 and to reddit2. I have enjoyed using Orgmode for literate programming3 for years. I have a script that runs whenever there is a change to the file(s), retangling every tangle src block in the whole file. Just now I’ve finally acted to encode my snippets in my literate setup. For anyone unaware, snippets (I use yasnippet4) are shortcut keystrokes that transform into more elaborate text when used.

Why is my emacs crashing? Answer: bad garbage collection

Content Periodically emacs crashes; I spent a long time debugging, which was really difficult because it was only reproducible by crashing my system. It turns out to be because of garbage collection. Other theory is that it is somehow due to Firefox. Previously tried, ruled out EXWM. No, it crashed with Gnome, too Popups (esp in browser). Too many Firefox windows Too much text on the screen at once. But it has crashed in one-screen setups, too Stack overflow from programs that are doing logging manually.

Why does straight sometimes rebuild org?

The problem: rebulding packages This was discussed in an issue on straight1 With the notorious orgmode updates and breakages, combined with the amount that I depend upon orgmode, I am trying to just stick with the built in version and not ever build it. As such, my Straight orgmode invocation looks like this: (use-package org :straight (:type built-in) Nonetheless, some packages seem to cause org to “build” and use a straight version.

error: one of my transients misplaces cursor activity

Repo Bug-Report Template magit-version: Magit v3.3.0-402-gacd26dd9, Git 2.36.1, Emacs 28.1, gnu/linux (1) what behavior you expected When I use a transient with :transient-non-suffix 'transient--do-quit-one :transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay I expect to be able to continue using transient commands regardless of what buffer-switches are occurring above the transient. (2) what behavior you observed After executing a buffer-switching command within my transient, such as find-file, the transient remains visible but no longer has focus and cannot be used/switched to.

Master file or many files?

Org-files are great and have some great features, but there are advantages to micro-files, too Discussion on reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/13khozp/orgmode_megafiles_or_many_individual_files/ I am beginning to think that this question is more than just taste; there are actual technical consequences here. The question is, should I switch my journal, blog, and/or note-taking method away from big master files with lots of entries to individual files per entry? I am in the process of switching my passwords from a big GPG-encrypted org-file to using the linux password facility1, and I have just discovered denote2, which likewise leverages the system naming/file-searching facilities to organize a knowledge-base in an emacs-agnostic manner.

embark-org file missing in straight build

embark-org.el file missing This issue is a repeat1 of an old, closed one. because I cannot re-open that issue. I have tried the fixes mentioned there and more, but to no avail. What’s wrong when straight builds the embark package, it omits the embark-org.el file which is present in its embark repository directory. This results in blocking errors as I have things that depend upon functions from embark-org. Directions to reproduce (use-package embark)

moving injected styles to a static .css file

Intro prelim: this is a following my css-in-cljs method from my garden css has ascended, which was exceptionally good for the first draft/version of the project but eventually should cede to normal CSS once you are ready for hardening the product. The goal here is to remove all the per-html CSS rules that were so perfect for Dev with a single CSS file that can be called from all the html files in the project and is both far more efficient file-size wise, and the Right Wayâ„¢ to do it for caching and synchronization.

Emacs Personal Development Environment: accessing my notes

Intro Due to the nature of my work, I operate in a variety of environments, databases, and languages. Emacs is very good for this. As an example of this, I just found myself needing to verify if an update had worked on the PostGres database of a remote server. First I logged in to the server with better-shell-remote-open1, and then I sudoed and changed to the postgres user, then I quickly fired up my bookmarked myPostgres.

dragon drag-on with emacs dired

Dragon drag-and-drop The “dragon"1 application (think drag-on) is super handy for #emacs #exwm and probably was made for tiling window managers like iw3m. Go from dired to, eg, Google Drive drag-and-drop. . Footnotes 1 Dragon is available from https://github.com/mwh/dragon

finding and changing a status-bar face

Problem: unreadable font in the mode-line Inquired on Reddit1 I use Bookmarks+, a superb package. But for some reason the status message face when I want to delete a bookmark is night unreadable, and although I can customize all the faces that appear in my actual bookmark list, I cannot figure out how to change that one. So, in principle, how do I find out what face is causing the ugliness when it’s in my status bar (so I can’t do the usual inspecting)?