
How to avoid interpreting just one underscore in orgmode export?

Problem: I need just one literal underscore in my org-exported blog post I export orgmode to my blogs. However, when I have an underscore (like in a section header) it is interpreted as putting the next thing in a subscript. There are plenty of answers out there for disabling this globaly or for the whole file, but I WANT subscripts sometimes. How do I tell it to leave just a particular _ alone when I export?

How to have orgmode footnotes per entry?

Problem As laid out on reddit1, I arrange my orgmode notes as single files with lots of entries. This works great for me because emacs is more buffer-oriented than directory-oriented, so all the emacs search commands optimize for single-file approaches (eg search all headlines in my tech/blog file for the keyword of that Linux function I’ve forgotten how to use). The single problem I have is footnotes. From the documentation you have two options: inline or in a file-wide section.

how to include instructions within the enumerate in orgmode latex export?

Orgmode exported to latex automatically renders lists into enumerate blocks. The trick was to insert some parameters WITHIN that enumerate block to tweak a particular list output. The answer1 turned out to lie in the #+ATTR_LATEX: command, as follows: Orgmode In #+ATTR_LATEX: :options \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} 1. first 2. second 3. third Latex Out \begin{enumerate} \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} \item first \item second \item third \end{enumerate} Footnotes 1 StackExchange for this question, including the answer from NickD: https://emacs.

Org view html

I export to HTML fairly often with orgmode. In this case “export and open” resulting in viewing the code is almost never what I want; it would be much more useful like the export pdf option, which doesn’t view to the LaTeX code but right to the PDF. Answer As per https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/2387/browser-not-opening-when-exporting-html-from-org-mode A setting change fixed this. M-x customize-variable org-file-apps and for files of type \\.x?html?\\' I specified firefox %s. Now it does what I want.

Fixing Missing Export Options in Org-Mode 8

One of my chief desires in upgrading my org-mode recently was to be able to export into markdown, as described in the documentation. Imagine my surprise when the export list didn’t mention it, it didn’t appear to be an extra package, and the shortcut didn’t work. Thankfully, a user on Stack Overflow had the answer. In short, the plethora of org-mode export options listed here are not all loaded to begin with.