
Resize gif with gifsicle

Turns out resizing animated gifs with imagemagick is clumsy. Gifsicle does it quick and without fuss. Below is my command, taught by askubuntu. gifsicle --resize-width 600 helm-org-clock.gif -o hoc-smaller.gif This resizes my screen-capture gif to a scaled width of 600 and whatever height keeps the proportions, which dropped my size from 160k to 58k.

Gif screencasts from Linux CLI with Byzanz

Wanting to demonstrate the power of emacs M-x butterfly, I needed to make the sort of gif-screen-capture I’ve seen others put to good work. Extra snag: I use emacs itself for a window manager, so the first online recommendation of Peek didn’t work. Instead I found the open-source byzanz to record; however, it requires knowing the screen-portion and length of the gif beforehand. Other than that, though, it worked great even on my exwm (GUI-resistant) system.