
how to disable screen timeouts in guix

Problem: screen timeout in 15 minutes This question was originally posted on the guix subreddit1 My problem is that my screens timeout in 15 minutes if I’m watching something, which is problematic. It seems like the answer is my xorg settings, and I am trying to apply this: which calls for editing of my .xorg.conf.d file. It seems like it should be according to these directions: However, I want to make sure my syntax is correct.

Cloister bell alert notification from Dunst in Guix

Intro In Guix with EXWM I use Dunst for a system alert system. I got my Dunst to have a default audio alert so that when alerts fire, regardless of which of my three monitors I am looking at, I can hear a modest alert noise. I chose the Tardis cloister bell1, a favorite audio of mine. 1. Acquire the sound I located the sound I want on Soundcloud1 and then used one of the several online SoundCloud downloaders2 to grab the file, which came down as an mp3.

mcron stops and then insufficient permissions?

Problem: my MCRON process stops and I don’t know how to check/restart it Sometimes, usually after coming back from suspend or starting a new session without rebooting, my “check mail every 5 minutes” mcron has stopped running and I have to execute the script manually. Does anyone know why it might stop, and how I can check if it’s running right now? I attempted to start it as follows, but I get a strange cannot read error.

volume control from guix cli with pactl instead of amixer

Intro I used to have an exwm emacs shortcut to change my volume: (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "<XF86AudioLowerVolume>") (lambda () (interactive) (shell-command "amixer set Master 2%-"))) and a similar function for the volume-up key. When I press the audio buttons, it uses amixer to change the volume. The trouble is, guix doesn’t seem to offer amixer anywhere. I don’t see it in nongnu packages, so I was able to find pactl instead. Here’s how I got it (improvement suggestions welcome):

installing NPM and shadow-cljs on guix

Intro Installing things on guix is usually more involved that just using the one-liners you may have been given with other things in mind. Getting NPM in Guix Install the latest node to get the npm command. guix install node

guix pull: error: Git error: the SSL certificate is invalid

Intro I am trying to ease my way into GUIX by starting with just using it as a package manager, but my effort was stalled early. I’m getting: $ guix pull Updating channel ‘nonguix’ from Git repository at ‘'&#x2026; guix pull: error: Git error: the SSL certificate is invalid This is occurring after adding a couple to channels.scm: (cons* (channel (name 'nonguix) (url "") (introduction (make-channel-introduction "897c1a470da759236cc11798f4e0a5f7d4d59fbc" (openpgp-fingerprint "2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29 12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5")))) (channel (name 'flat) (url "https://github.