
How can I define transient color per command, like hydra?

Problem: I need one transient command to end to the transient-session after it is done From a Reddit thread at https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/15u0c7w/how_can_i_define_transient_color_per_command/ This is basically like using Hydra semantic colors1. I have a transient that starts with :transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay near its definition, which allows me to execute several of its commands in a sequence without quiting the transient. There are certain commands within that transient, however, that should quit the transient if they are used.

Fail-fast Transients like Hydra

Problem: exwm choking on Transients with Unbound suffix I have been gradually experimenting with replacing my hydras with Transients1, partly as a proof of concept. I have a show-stopping issue2 when I sometimes end up invoking the Transients from an EXWM window, however. The Transient pops up, but no key I press is then sent to the Transient and I end up trapped in a loop: Transient is expecting a key, which needs to be passed by EXWM, but EXWM can’t pass the right keys because Transient is intercepting them3.

Simulating `C-u` args to lambda-wrapped functions

I build hydras for common functions in my use-pattern; sometimes it’s the C-u version that I want in my hydra. Usually this is easily done by passing a '(4) to the function. However, I have one fn that is failing at this: ("<f11>" (lambda () (interactive) (flyspell-correct-wrapper '(4))) "spell correct") ;; eval: Wrong number of arguments: (0 . 0), 1 The reason for this failure is that it turns out emacs has two ways of calling fns with prefix args.