
project local PostGres on GUIX with Clojure JDBC (2022)

Intro 🖼1 There are several copy-pasted articles2 out there on setting up project-local postgres instances. Which one came first or whether they are both copies of another, I don’t know; but in any case, I found the goals good, and was enlightened by the concept. There are several technical errors, but they served to get the juices flowing. I am using the Postgres software version I got from GUIX, which is postgres 14.

Backing up my JDBC Crux: is this it?

If you inspect the JDBC database backing a Crux install, you will find it contains only one table – tx_events. Don’t be alarmed; it seems this really does contain the information that constitutes the document database so pg_dump will do its job. See Crux Zulip Thread