rebind super (windows) key to app menu in kde

I accidentally1* replaced my menubar in KDE2 and the unintended side-effect was that I couldn’t hit the Windows key (super) and have it bring up the helpful menu and search anymore. A little bit of searching around made the answer easy; apparently, binding to Meta+F1 results in the same thing as just meta. Beautiful! Resources Answer found on askubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/246886/how-do-i-open-the-application-launcher-on-kde-with-just-the-meta-windows-key/961407#961407 Footnotes 1 Well, it was on purpose, but I didn’t know it would have that effect

Keyboard-driven Editing in 2020

Why Keyboard Driven Editing in this age of the mouse? First of all, the mouse is easy – you don’t need to learn anything to point, drag, and click. And for many problem spaces this is ideal: I browse the web with a mouse (usually because my work as a web application engineer requires it), and I wouldn’t dream of attempting keyboard-driven image editing such as with Gimp or InkScape.