
auctex on guix

File mode specification error: (error Autoloading file ~/emacs/.emacs.d/straight/build/auctex/tex.elc failed to define function tex) Based on attempts I made to copy solutions from other examples in issues on the github repo1, I had this (which seems to have worked fine in older versions of straight) (use-package tex :straight `(auctex :local-repo ,(tsa/wrap-guix-profile "auctex-13.1.3")) ;; this just says to use the version I downloaded from guix, since it did all the system config :mode "\\.

pdflatex not an option anymore in TeX-command-list

Problem: in .tex files the pdflatex compile option was gone For years I built tex into pdf with pdflatex; I just hit C-c C-c and there it was. But now having just rebuilt my system with Guix, I find that pdflatex isn’t on the list of compilation commands. This is despite the fact that the command pdflatex works from the commandline. Does anyone know where it went in auctex, and how to get it back?

how to include instructions within the enumerate in orgmode latex export?

Orgmode exported to latex automatically renders lists into enumerate blocks. The trick was to insert some parameters WITHIN that enumerate block to tweak a particular list output. The answer1 turned out to lie in the #+ATTR_LATEX: command, as follows: Orgmode In #+ATTR_LATEX: :options \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} 1. first 2. second 3. third Latex Out \begin{enumerate} \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} \item first \item second \item third \end{enumerate} Footnotes 1 StackExchange for this question, including the answer from NickD: https://emacs.

Orgmode LaTeX collaboration I’ve used LaTeX for years as my document production system, so that I need not bother with word processors. I write letters, papers, homework, dissertations, and presentations in it. For the past couple years, though, I’ve been shifting all these to org-mode, which I find much simpler for managing my materials and exporting to LaTeX (as well as anything else). However, now I am back to working on academic papers collaboratively.

Writing with Closed Eyes

I close my eyes and begin to type. In my mind, a mixed media of verbal and image information is passing through. Sometimes I am hearing the words that I am putting to the paper, other times I am seeing a page of writing which I am transcribing. The goal is two-fold: on the one hand, I am aiming for speed of production. On the other hand, I am harvesting focus.