
Orgmode System Notifications with Dunst

Most of emacs is miraculously self-documenting but I found a bare-spot: how to customize emacs notifications. In particular, being an exwm user the in-emacs mini-buffer with Dunst, I hope. There’s a dirth of documentation on the appointment variables/functions, although they are emacs-general. In particular, the key to making this whole thing work, appt-disp-window-function, has no help entry in my emacs, but this does it on my Linux: Solution Code (setq appt-display-format 'window) (setq appt-disp-window-function (function tsa/appt-disp-window)) (defun tsa/appt-disp-window (min-to-app new-time msg) (save-window-excursion (shell-command (concat "notify-send \"Orgmode: " msg "\"") nil nil))) Resources Relevant source: https://www.

Critique my org elisp

Someday I’ll get around to writing about code quality in elisp, but for now I don’t know it well enough to know idioms and avoid code-smell. Orgmode has a massive code-base and the documentation has a hard-time keeping up, so I asked, How is the following code, aimed at getting the list of header tags and making them into a comma-separated string? org-get-tags didn’t work because I needed to support when the cursor is in the text of an entry, not just on the headline.

Orgmode LaTeX collaboration I’ve used LaTeX for years as my document production system, so that I need not bother with word processors. I write letters, papers, homework, dissertations, and presentations in it. For the past couple years, though, I’ve been shifting all these to org-mode, which I find much simpler for managing my materials and exporting to LaTeX (as well as anything else). However, now I am back to working on academic papers collaboratively.

Org view html

I export to HTML fairly often with orgmode. In this case “export and open” resulting in viewing the code is almost never what I want; it would be much more useful like the export pdf option, which doesn’t view to the LaTeX code but right to the PDF. Answer As per A setting change fixed this. M-x customize-variable org-file-apps and for files of type \\.x?html?\\' I specified firefox %s. Now it does what I want.

orgmode auto-update todo-count

I have an orgmode item that looks like this: ** STARTED [#A] Planning, Emails & Social [48/56] <2020-03-23 Mon 08:15-09:00 +1d> This item is a target for my capture-from-email, so TODO items are constantly added beneath. The result is that the count always end up as [0/0] in my agenda until I manually visit the headline and do a C-c # to update it to the proper count; I’m not sure why this is, but I would love to fix it somehow.

Orgmode Agenda wasn't showing custom items

I had a problem where my orgmode agenda had stopped displaying my “scheduled” items, which I require for my workflow. I must have been playing around with the customize group when I broke this, because that’s where I found the answer: I had set a non-zero number and needed to reset to 0 here: customize-variable Org Scheduled Delay Days

Emacs for Study: PDF Conversion and Editing

Sometimes in the process of studying it is desirable to take the papers you are researching, which usually come as PDFs, and to convert them to an editable form. After you’re finished editing the final product could be PDF, Microsoft Word, web HTML, or something else. As this is a process that I’ve required for a number of different reasons, this tutorial covers the tools I use. Unlike other tutorials I’ve done, this process utilizes several tools beyond emacs.

Orgmode Agenda in New Frame Window

If you work much with the Orgmode agenda you soon find that you can have a huge amount of appointments and todo tasks to deal with. You can sort these by putting tags on the, either straight from the agenda view (with :) or in the actual org file (with C-c while point is over a headline). You can then use those tags to filter and search your agenda (from agenda view, with / and \ followed by TAB).

Emacs for Study Part 1: Text (Scripture) Study

At long last I’m producing the next of my “NOn-Programmer’s Emacs” (NOPE) editions. This post is companion to a Youtube video in the NoPE series. We’re looking at using Emacs (and in particular, Orgmode) for studying texts; in this episode of the series, we’ll be using as our example texts the LDS scriptures (official site) and some related texts. I’ve made the base files I use (org and plain-text of the scriptures) available here: