
debugging my Planck keyboard

debugging my Planck keyboard Toddler + Planck = GU_OFF I’m using an unmodified Planck dropshipped keyboard. It is mostly as represented here with the exception that the lowest-left key is ‘shift’ and not ‘brite’, although it would be nice if it were related to my keyboard backlight. See also, which seems to match except that both my spacebar buttons are, for now, really just space. My toddler mashed some buttons for ten minutes before we realized where he was, and ever since then my GUI key is disabled.

debugging my Planck keyboard

**debugging my Planck keyboard Intro Help please: GUOFF ? I’m using an unmodified Planck dropshipped keyboard. It is mostly as represented here with the exception that the lowest-left key is ‘shift’ and not ‘brite’, although it would be nice if it were related to my keyboard backlight. See also, which seems to match except that both my spacebar buttons are, for now, really just space. My toddler mashed some buttons for ten minutes before we realized where he was, and ever since then my GUI key is disabled.

Confusing swap of alt and super key on my Planck keyboard

Why in the world were my super and meta keys suddenly swapped? I finished a game and found that suddenly my alt/meta key and my super/windows key had swapped positions. I tried changing from Dvorak to Qwerty and back again, and tried restarting my keyboard and then restarting my whole computer, and found no explanation for the problem. Finally I found the answer1, which was that somewhere in my baby-in-arms, trying-to-keyboard-with-one-hand, I had switched my keyboard into mac mode, which inverts the super and meta keys and destroys my carefully crafted muscle memory.