power button

Power Button management

https://www.reddit.com/r/i3wm/comments/58j1ui/how_to_intercept_the_power_button_to_avoid_brutal/ Note that you might want suspend instead of hibernate, if you want rapid resume. The power button isn’t handled by the window manager, it’s handled by systemd For example this is in my /etc/systemd/logind.conf [Login] HandlePowerKey=hibernate HandleLidSwitch=ignore IdleAction=suspend IdleActionSec=20min

Command-line solutions to laptop functions

Trying to make the jump to exwm, which is a similar experience (though considerably less documented) than switching to i3wm, there are a number of core laptop functionalities that the heavier-weight window managers take care of for you. I’m using this on a laptop that is often used that way – traveling, connecting to multiple different WiFi networks daily, connecting to docking stations and extra monitors and devices, toggling touch pad, etc.