
Two modes on loading a file

** This question was posted to the emacs stackexchange. 1 Clojure files should open in Clojure-mode. I also have Clojure files that contain color info and are used to generate my styles; they live under a /styles path. For these files, I want them to have both clojure-mode (a major mode) and rainbow-mode (a minor mode). I can implement this on a file-by-file basis be starting such files with a line like this:

Colorize chmod strings in dired

How do I colorize the chmod privileges string? I am using dired+ and dired-hacks and have the ability to colorize the FILES based on the chmod string, but I want the string itself to have colors. I had this a little bit ago but somehow it went away. For example, each column in so that the eye can follow the colors down and easily see permission differences within a directory.