
Clojure exercise to transpose three lists

The need: take multiple vectors and view each vector as a column (not a row) of the data, so all the first items go together, all the second, etc. Here’s a rough version that felt too clunky (alert: it features a number) and fragile but happens to demonstrate the needs: (let [[names jobs langs :as all] [["john" "jane" "michael"] ["chef" "driver" "vet"] ["English" "German" "French"]]] (map #(zipmap [:name :job :lang] %) (partition 3 (interleave names jobs langs)))) ;; ({:name "john", :job "chef", :lang "English"} ;; {:name "jane", :job "driver", :lang "German"} ;; {:name "michael", :job "vet", :lang "French"}) Solution (let [[names jobs langs :as all] [["john" "jane" "michael"] ["chef" "driver" "vet"] ["English" "German" "French"]]] (apply map #(zipmap [:name :job :lang] %&) all)) ;; => ({:name "john", :job "chef", :lang "English"} {:name "jane", :job "driver", :lang "German"} {:name "michael", :job "vet", :lang "French"}) This solution taught me two new things: