
bufler syntax for a browser subgroup

Edits [2023-12-23 Sat] correction: “Buffler” is actually “Bufler” [2023-12-22 Fri] added updated groups section, and linked to my Firefox usage post. Added comments sections. Discussion Discussion can be had on this post at Reddit: Mastodon: Github issue text This is associated with a Github issue.1 Note that this is with exwm, so Firefox buffers are first-class buffer citizens2. I used to have a single Firefox tab which contained my various social tabs with their particular settings.

How to avoid interpreting just one underscore in orgmode export?

Problem: I need just one literal underscore in my org-exported blog post I export orgmode to my blogs. However, when I have an underscore (like in a section header) it is interpreted as putting the next thing in a subscript. There are plenty of answers out there for disabling this globaly or for the whole file, but I WANT subscripts sometimes. How do I tell it to leave just a particular _ alone when I export?