Drupal 7: Comment Homepage URL Prefix Fix
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EDIT: I now recommend use of the excellent Disqus forum instead of built-in Drupal. It automates and crowd-sources spam control, and has a host of other features.
As this frustrated user put it,
I want Drupal comments to work like every other blog’s comments. Who are writing their homepage URL can write “www.example.com,” or “https://www.example.com,” and they both work. Right now, Drupal throws an error if the URL doesn’t contain “https://.”
The solution he received, with some modifications, works–but he’s on Drupal 6. It’s not much of a change for Drupal 7, but useful to note in any case; hence this post. As for Drupal 8, hopefully the fix is in the works.
WARNING: this fix requires editing Drupal Core, something highly discouraged. Be sure to back up both the original and the fixed version of the file “comment.module”.
- Open and backup file drupal\_root/modules/comment/comment.module
- Find the “function comment\_form\\_validate”
- Edit the last portion of this function, which checks the comment homepage, as follows:
ORIGINAL comment.module
if ($form_state['values']['homepage'] && !valid_url($form_state['values']['homepage'], TRUE)) {
form_set_error('homepage', t('The URL of your homepage is not valid. Remember that it must be fully qualified, i.e. of the form <code>https://example.com/directory</code>.'));
MODIFIED comment.module
// EDITED to allow modernized values to be added (https://toryanderson.com or toryanderson.com)
if ($form_state['values']['homepage']) {
if (strpos($form_state['values']['homepage'], "://") === FALSE) {
$form_state['values']['homepage'] = "https://" . $form_state['values']['homepage'];
if (!valid_url($form_state['values']['homepage'], TRUE)) {
form_set_error('homepage', t('The URL of your homepage is not valid. Remember that it must be fully qualified, i.e. of the form <code>https://example.com/directory</code>.'));
Be sure to get the bracket-count right at the end. Notice what we’ve done: we’ve split the original test for a present url and a valid url into two section; first test if it’s present and if it has :// in it; add https:// if necessary. THEN test if it’s valid.
Good luck; once again, be careful messing with core and be aware that core updates may over-ride this, so you may have to repeat the fix.