Swapping chords in Dvorak, or Why does emacs keyboard-translate fail with (wrong-type-argument characterp 134217845)

Intro One of the great pieces of advice I received for setting up Dvorak keys was to swap C-x and C-u keys, and the following snippet does just that. ;; Dvorak settings (keyboard-translate ?\C-u ?\C-x) (keyboard-translate ?\C-x ?\C-u) I had hoped that a simple replacement of the the C with M would make that change for Meta, too, since M-x is common and awkward on Dvorak. However, that gave me a type error.

The lost art of page breaks in text documents

Updated: [2021-09-23 Thu] comment from Mark Intro Somewhere back in Emacs’ memory of text esoterica and ideas that don’t seem to have taken off, there is support for ascii page breaks: the idea that within a single text document, “pages” could be represented by special characters. This is before the dawn of word processors or orgmode or PDF files, and this is an idea that might still be useful for some enterprising archeologist.

Clojurescript Reagent Image-Previewing Selector

Intro It took some elbow-grease but I was able to convert online examples1 into a working image selector in Reagent Clojurescript. It isn’t a lot of code, but there were two complications: converting the declarative style of the examples into more functional CLJS (hint: it involves closures), and doing it in a way that will jive with the React life-cycle. CSS code The following styling makes things look okay. This is using Garden2 syntax.

why is WordPress printing my array instead of just constructing it?

Intro I am trying to apply a custom view to all the results of a visit to a taxonomy page, which involves wrapping the whole lot of results in some DOM boilerplate and then invoking the function to display each result as an element within that boilerplate. My strategy of choice was to step through each result, populated dynamically depending which taxonomy term has led them here, and fill a bucket with those results, then display each one appropriately.

My emacs godmode indicators and Elisp equivalent of defonce

Godmode Godmode1 is a handy mode that aims to ease the stress on otherwise stretching fingers by basically holding C- or M-C for you. A common difficulty is knowing if you are currently in Godmode or not, especially since I no longer use doom-modeline2. The first solution that is recommended is to change your cursor depending on whether you are in the mode or not. For years, back when I used godmode more rarely, this was enough.

Bash brace expansion for adding a quick suffix to a file name

Intro I am no Bash expert, but in searching for an unrelated answer I came across the following snippet to add a suffix to a file: sudo mv /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service{,.disabled} The insight here was in the way the braces expanded to the full earlier path. I look forward to making better use of this in my command-line journeyings. I also found a nice instructive cheat sheet here: https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/expansion/brace .

How I Switched to DVP Dvorak Keyboard Layout as a Linux EXWM Emacs User

My heavy emacs use was both the motivation and the obstacle to switching to a new keyboard layout. Motivation because my life is keyboard driven, so there are healh and efficiency reasons to want to make the best of my keyboard experience. Obstruction because so much of my emacs and typing proficiency is in my muscle memory, and this might be lost if I make a drastic change. Well, rather than Colemaks or QwertZ, which aim to maintain most of your muscle memory, I decided to go whole hog and do Dvorak.

How to get Flycheck to stop using a buffer for error messages

Problem Every time I put my cursor in code with an error, or even while i’m typing something that is as yet unfinished, I have a new buffer pop up “Flycheck Error Messages”, which then disappears again when I have finished typing. I can’t find a relevant setting. How do I stop this disruption, maybe only having error messages in the modeline? Answer The following variable controls whether the new buffers occupy a new window or, as I desired, can be just in the minibuffer.

org-agenda no longer clocks out and in

For years my workflow has centered in org-agenda and I would go from one clocked item to the next. For instance, I would be clocked into my “Emails” task, which never closes, and then eventually move down in the agenda to “Task B”. Then I hit C-x TAB to clock in. It correctly queries for a comment on the task I’m leaving but no longer clocks me in to the new task as I’d asked.

Two modes on loading a file

** This question was posted to the emacs stackexchange. 1 Clojure files should open in Clojure-mode. I also have Clojure files that contain color info and are used to generate my styles; they live under a /styles path. For these files, I want them to have both clojure-mode (a major mode) and rainbow-mode (a minor mode). I can implement this on a file-by-file basis be starting such files with a line like this: