How to avoid interpreting just one underscore in orgmode export?

Problem: I need just one literal underscore in my org-exported blog post I export orgmode to my blogs. However, when I have an underscore (like in a section header) it is interpreted as putting the next thing in a subscript. There are plenty of answers out there for disabling this globaly or for the whole file, but I WANT subscripts sometimes. How do I tell it to leave just a particular _ alone when I export?

volume control from guix cli with pactl instead of amixer

Intro I used to have an exwm emacs shortcut to change my volume: (exwm-input-set-key (kbd "<XF86AudioLowerVolume>") (lambda () (interactive) (shell-command "amixer set Master 2%-"))) and a similar function for the volume-up key. When I press the audio buttons, it uses amixer to change the volume. The trouble is, guix doesn’t seem to offer amixer anywhere. I don’t see it in nongnu packages, so I was able to find pactl instead. Here’s how I got it (improvement suggestions welcome):

fast fibonacci in Clojure?

Intro A recent stack overflow question asked about Clojure performance compared to other implementations, with Python and raw java performing vastly better than Clojure1. Now, this is Clojure, so there must be a better way. One of the answers pointed to RosettaCode and Clojure fibonacci implementations there2, so I felt pretty good grabbing the “Doubling Algorithm (Fast)” version given there, which is based on an off-the-cuff github answer from Clojure optimization guru Mike Fikes3.

ignore file permissions in git

Intro git config --global core.fileMode false Resources

installing NPM and shadow-cljs on guix

Intro Installing things on guix is usually more involved that just using the one-liners you may have been given with other things in mind. Getting NPM in Guix Install the latest node to get the npm command. guix install node

Find the process id of a running process

The command Sometimes I started a command with a java -jar mything.jar & long ago, and now it needs to be updated, and I haven’t got around to properly instrumenting it yet. Here is the command that helps me find and shutdown the old process so I can restart it. ps -ef | grep mything Resources

org-store-link mairix?

Intro I upgraded orgmode recently and added org-contrib to my loading. I’m not sure if that’s related or not, but suddenly, when I invoke org-capture on a Gnus message (which used to happen seamlessly, suddenly I am getting the following selection message, asking me whether I want org-mairix-store-gnus-link or the old working default org-gnus-store-link . This is the first time I have ever heard of Mairix, and I can’t find any customizations to set to get it to stop asking me.

ublock-origin to stop manifest files and allow you to avoid PWAs

Intro I use Firefox Mobile, which tries to install the PWA (Progressive Web App) of sites whenever it finds a manifest file; otherwise it allows installation to just add a Firefox link to the site instead, which is what I want. This can be done with the Ublock plugin1. I’m struggling to find the right syntax for this; I believe I want a static filter that applies to any site. An example of the line that brings the manifest from Google Photos is this:

A tip to recover blank screens with EXWM

Intro Sometimes in EXWM when I switch machines to and plug in my dock to an already running system, one or two of my external monitors stay black1. Sometimes this also occurs when my smart-dock2 changes power levels to the dock. It has enough throughput to utilize my whole 100w power inlet, but its “smarts” mean that when I connect my USBC phone, for instance, the amount of power going out changes dramatically and the shift can “lose” my two HDMI monitors until I do the trick below.

Always open localhost in private Firefox

Don’t do webdev work in your personal browser account Opening dev sites in your primary browser/account is problematic. Opening in Private (FireFox) or Incognito (Chrome) is a must, since it usually turns off caching and removes you from any left-over accounts that might be interfering with your validation. I’ve always done dev sites in my dev browser, so good to hear a group that recognized (sort of) this: And disclaimer: Polypane who wrote the article is a paid browser (after 2 weeks).