
Would you recommend EXWM as daily driver

EXWM is a Glass Cannon Would I recommend EXWM as a daily driver?1 Not really. I say that as someone who has chosen to use exwm exclusively for years2 and tens of thousands of hours. I tried I3 for a while, and have used EXWM under OpenSuse several years and now under Guix, almost always with 3 monitors. I find that exwm is a glass cannon. Like Linux and emacs, it has a learning curve and appeals to those who tolerate or enjoy that.

how to disable screen timeouts in guix

Problem: screen timeout in 15 minutes This question was originally posted on the guix subreddit1 My problem is that my screens timeout in 15 minutes if I’m watching something, which is problematic. It seems like the answer is my xorg settings, and I am trying to apply this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Display_Power_Management_Signaling which calls for editing of my .xorg.conf.d file. It seems like it should be according to these directions: https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/X-Window.html However, I want to make sure my syntax is correct.

orgmode warning on repeating events

Beware “DONE” shifts on repeating events In orgmode you have several ways to make a repeating event. One of the ways is to simply incude an active date under a headline, and include a repeating directive in it like so: <2023-09-18 Mon 12:30-13:30 +1w> This is fine, for example, when noting someone’s class schedule (not my own where I would need notes for each individual class). * TODO Bill's Schedule this semester <2023-09-18 Mon 12:30-13:30 +1w> <2023-09-19 Tue 11:00-16:00 +1w> <2023-09-20 Wed 12:30-13:30 +1w> <2023-09-21 Thu 11:00-15:00 +1w> <2023-09-22 Fri 11:00-16:00 +1w> However, if you ever make these under a TODO item, and then mark it “DONE,” be aware that it shifts the times of every one of these entries by the +1w, not just the one for today that you probably meant.

Emacs Tip: org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift with negative shifts

org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift with negative shifts This post is at the weekly Emacs Tips Reddit thread1. I use org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift (C-c C-x c on an org heading) sometimes when I need richer agenda entries than using a repeater like <2023-09-25 Mon +1w>. This allows for better notes upon individual dates, as well as more nuanced control like “except those three Mondays”. This morning I accidentally started my clones a couple weeks in the future, meaning I missed today and next week.

using regexp find and replace to reformat my todo list

Intro I had a series of todo entries like this *** TODO Rename legacy/authtoken.clj and sibling tests https://github.com/FOO/BAR/issues/158 and wanted them to have the issue number at the end of the todo title, which helps with our git branch naming praxis. Emacs regular expression (slightly improved) anzu-query-replace-regexp1 with the following: ^\(\*.*\) \(.*github.*\)\([0-9]+\)\s-+ → \1 #\3 \2\3 Where the linebreaks are entered literally via C-q C-j. The end result was what I wanted:

emacs tip: selected-mode

Emacs tips and tricks Shared on the Emacs Tips, Tricks, &c. thread1 Use selected mode to set up a keymap that only applies when you have a selection. I use this every day. It’s great for indentation of an area, and I also use it for removing duplicate lines, doing replacements in region, and an org-specific one for creating a numbered list of the selection. https://github.com/Kungsgeten/selected.el Footnotes 1 This post is at https://www.

How can I define transient color per command, like hydra?

Problem: I need one transient command to end to the transient-session after it is done From a Reddit thread at https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/15u0c7w/how_can_i_define_transient_color_per_command/ This is basically like using Hydra semantic colors1. I have a transient that starts with :transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay near its definition, which allows me to execute several of its commands in a sequence without quiting the transient. There are certain commands within that transient, however, that should quit the transient if they are used.

Tangling on org segment to a file with given permissons

Asked at https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/159zj0v/comment/jtodsl9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 My tangle includes writing a bin script, which needs 700 permissions. However, the following doesn’t seem to work; it produces a file with 644 permissons, which cannot be executed. I am trying to follow https://orgmode.org/manual/Extracting-Source-Code.html . What is wrong? #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/tsa-ss :tangle-mode o700 Answer: don’t use the shortcut syntax The following worked. I’m not sure why the original did not, though. #+BEGIN_SRC bash :tangle ~/.local/bin/tsa-ss :tangle-mode (identity #o700)

Why does straight sometimes rebuild org?

The problem: rebulding packages This was discussed in an issue on straight1 With the notorious orgmode updates and breakages, combined with the amount that I depend upon orgmode, I am trying to just stick with the built in version and not ever build it. As such, my Straight orgmode invocation looks like this: (use-package org :straight (:type built-in) Nonetheless, some packages seem to cause org to “build” and use a straight version.

error: one of my transients misplaces cursor activity

Repo Bug-Report Template magit-version: Magit v3.3.0-402-gacd26dd9, Git 2.36.1, Emacs 28.1, gnu/linux (1) what behavior you expected When I use a transient with :transient-non-suffix 'transient--do-quit-one :transient-suffix 'transient--do-stay I expect to be able to continue using transient commands regardless of what buffer-switches are occurring above the transient. (2) what behavior you observed After executing a buffer-switching command within my transient, such as find-file, the transient remains visible but no longer has focus and cannot be used/switched to.