Producing a VSCode-style code screenshot for Twitter with ImageMagick

The Goal The Trouble with Image Magick I am new to Image Magick but am trying to get it to convert my image to a size and background pleasant for Twitter. The qualities I’m going for are as follows1: my overall canvas size 16:9, so about 1200x675 my actual screenshot centered and about 3/4 the width background texture of my choosing My early attempts were like the following, but it didn’t seem to actually do anything:

How to check keybindings in isearch mode

I can use C-h m to check the bindings of my current major mode, if it’s one where I can rest my cursor. But how can I check the bindings that are present in, eg, isearch mode? I can set up such bindings, but I’m not sure how to review them. Answer: describe-keymap In emacs 28 there seems to be created the perfect function for this: (describe-keymap)1 Footnotes 1 Thanks to the answer on Reddit for this one: https://www.

HTML project in emacs

The Task An old (ie 10+ years old) desktop application needed to be converted to a web application for modernization purposes. The program was a simple display of textbook-style information with links to audio content. We decided to build this with as simple a technology as possible, with hopes for longevity to exceed what it has had before: raw HTML and CSS, with as little Javascript as possible, optimizing compatibility1, longevity, and load time.

get selected value of a select box in Clojure

option onclick Event not Supported With a recent bug I was reminded that <option /> are not allowed to have onClick events by Google Chrome. This led to some annoying debugging as to why something was working in Firefox but not Chrome on one of our applications. Fortunately, Clojure ships with Google Closure, which provides a straight-forward way of obtaining the selected index, and then getting that from the options of the sel.

bufler closes windows from bufler window on switch

Intro This is an issue that others are experiencing too.1 Just pulled and evalled latest bufler moments ago. Have multiple frames/windows running, eg C-x 2 M-x bufler choose one of the buffers from the list, to move to it See it close one of your other windows. I discovered this when it was eliminating my exwm workspaces upon choosing something, but I found that it is by no means limited to exwm things.

How to have orgmode footnotes per entry?

Problem As laid out on reddit1, I arrange my orgmode notes as single files with lots of entries. This works great for me because emacs is more buffer-oriented than directory-oriented, so all the emacs search commands optimize for single-file approaches (eg search all headlines in my tech/blog file for the keyword of that Linux function I’ve forgotten how to use). The single problem I have is footnotes. From the documentation you have two options: inline or in a file-wide section.

setting up a local version of Wordpress on Tumbleweed in 500 easy steps

Intro For a better development experience I needed to set up Wordpress locally on my Tumbleweed machine, which was somewhat different than the Ubuntu that I brought the site from. It wasn’t really 500 steps, but does have some gotchas and require some time to get right. Prerequisites Have a version of the WordPress site running somewhere on server that you can access. You need a mysqldump of its db and a copy of its complete file structure.

guix pull: error: Git error: the SSL certificate is invalid

Intro I am trying to ease my way into GUIX by starting with just using it as a package manager, but my effort was stalled early. I’m getting: $ guix pull Updating channel ‘nonguix’ from Git repository at ‘'&#x2026; guix pull: error: Git error: the SSL certificate is invalid This is occurring after adding a couple to channels.scm: (cons* (channel (name 'nonguix) (url "") (introduction (make-channel-introduction "897c1a470da759236cc11798f4e0a5f7d4d59fbc" (openpgp-fingerprint "2A39 3FFF 68F4 EF7A 3D29 12AF 6F51 20A0 22FB B2D5")))) (channel (name 'flat) (url "https://github.

Replacing beacon.el with hl-line-flash

Intro EDIT [2021-09-27 Mon]: decreased hl-line-flash-show-period1 I learned about beacon.el2 in one of Sacha Chua’s videos3 that asted users about their favorite tweaks, and it remained one that I found useful throughout several years with emacs. However, it stopped working somewhere in version 27, with a number of glitches that were eventually recognized in the repo, but no fix was available. Beacon candy Beacon was nice because it didn’t highlight the whole line, but only a gradient extending from your cursor, which would gently fade away (at least, that was the idea).

Fail-fast Transients like Hydra

Problem: exwm choking on Transients with Unbound suffix I have been gradually experimenting with replacing my hydras with Transients1, partly as a proof of concept. I have a show-stopping issue2 when I sometimes end up invoking the Transients from an EXWM window, however. The Transient pops up, but no key I press is then sent to the Transient and I end up trapped in a loop: Transient is expecting a key, which needs to be passed by EXWM, but EXWM can’t pass the right keys because Transient is intercepting them3.